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Sisterhood of the Rose - join us 1/19/23

Sisterhood of the Rose: Activating Divine Love into your Sacred Heart as One Unified Cosmic Heart

The Sisterhood of the Rose was created in the civilization of Lemuria and Atlantis as High Priestesses. They gathered in circles of twelve to activate the Flame of Divine Love, the Path of the Rose through the hearts of humanity to bring peace to the planet!

If you feel as if you are a member of the Sisterhood of the Rose this class will awaken and activate your remembrance to your connection as as high priestess from that lifetime!

The Power of the Divine Mother/Mother Mary will activate your sacred heart to deepen your Christed Heart as one Unified Cosmic Heart! Rev. Lea will channel the wisdom from Mother Mary each month.

January 19, 2023 | 7:00-8:30pm EST
To register:
Payments can be made here.
(Once you register, you will receive the
teleconference number.)

Note: For those who are in the Tampa/St Petersburg/Sarasota area, we will meet at the residence of Rhonda Sande: 5020 Brittany Drive S #213, St. Petersburg, FL 33715. To confirm you wish to attend in person, please contact Lea Chapin at 727-580-3016 in advance as space is limited.


More About Lea:


Rev. Lea Chapin M.S.Ed, BS Psychology
Rev. Lea is an educator, psychotherapist, spiritual counselor and medium. In 1993, Lea began receiving divinely inspired messages from Spirit, when her gifts of clairaudience allowed her access to the truth teachings of the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realms. Her life is now devoted to spiritual pursuits and empowering all who choose to reawaken to their own sacred balance and divinity.

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