Hello -
Below are my notes about Linkedin Groups from my interview on the Jim Blasingame Small Business Advocate radio show recently - you can listen to the show here:
This is for B2B marketers. Linkedin
has 660 million users and many are serious business users. Since
Linkedin is an expensive social media platform to advertise on, you
need to use Linkedin Groups to your advantage.
It's important to choose the right
groups to join and participate in. In order to find the right groups
to join use the keyword search and filter it for Linkedin Groups.
This will give you search results in Groups for your keyword search
and you can even drill-down from there.
The difference between using Linkedin
Discover and your own keyword research of Groups is that if you use
the Linkedin Discover feature, then Linkedin will recommend the
Groups you should join based upon the information that you have in
your profile. You can use this in addition to doing your own
research, but don't rely on just this feature.
If you aren't able to find the perfect
Linkedin Group to join, then create one yourself. This is a great
way to be in front of your audience and in control of everything that
takes place in your group. There are rules and limitations on what
you can do with groups, so please follow the rules so that you don't
get locked out of groups altogether.
It's equally important to follow the
rules in the groups that you do join – every Group Manager
establishes rules for their Linkedin Group and if you don't follow
them you will get the boot.
Here are some tips when in a group and
trying to make a connection:
~ use questions to create conversations
~ keep your posts short and sweet
(nobody wants to read “War & Peace”)
~ don't post links that take people out
of Linkedin (the algorithms favor you if your posts keep people in
Linkedin vs sending them to a landing page)
~ listen to the issues and problems
people are having (perfect place for you to gain the information to
create a solution to those issues and problems)
Remember that the same type of rules in
regular networking meetings apply, you don't want to be rude and
blast out commercials for your business continuously. Unfortunately, some people
never get this.
To Success!
Kathy Perry - kathyperry.com