Tuesday 2/24/10 Louanne Lambert and I attended Rosemary DiDia Brehm and Brian Zaas' introduction to "the Whale Hunting" program. I learned:
How to grow your business with bigger deals with bigger customers.
#1 plan for the hunt - one whale can feed the entire village for a year. They continue to find seals, etc. The entire village is involved - everyone contributes to getting the whale. A few people ride the whale to shore while someone is sewing his mouth shut to preserve the whale. The village uses every part except the head and they use that to attract more whales. Then they celebrate!
So we must do the same - our entire team must engage in hunting for our whales, not just our sales people. A whale is an account that is 3 to 5 times the size of your average account. Less is More. This is a business development process not a sales training.
Consider learning more by visiting www.thewhalehunters.com