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Growth Hacking:
Strategically Grow Your
Business Connections from Zero to 10K in 365 Days

It is time for the exciting launch of an exciting new LinkedIn book. Grow quality LinkedIn
connections and quantity in order to create your well of ideal customers, dream
clients, joint venture partners, future employees etc. etc.
Social Media has opened up
opportunities for the masses to reach out and build their ideal network.
Many people still say things like:
Well, you can't get to know all those people, or I don't want to be connected
to all those worthless connections.
First of all shame on you, those
are people you are talking about. Everyone has value! (A few exceptions with
fake profiles etc.)
Secondly, who said connect to just
any random person you can spam an invite to. Why not have quality and quantity.
You don't have to give up one to have the other.
The sample person above says
something like, if I have not shook their hand then they can't be in my
network. Five minutes later they are complaining how they are paying all this
money on Facebook and Google ads. to sell to people they have never shook hands
So, I would ask would you rather
shop from an ad on Facebook from someone you have never met, or from a person
you have not met before in person but have been passively reading about,
gaining value from, learning from, getting inspired by their weekly quotes and
developing a measure of trust from.
The average customer must be
exposed to you or your brand 7 to 30 times to feel comfortable to interact and
make a purchase. So which is cheaper, your LinkedIn profile or Google Adwords?
What if you put a little thought and strategy
behind your network growth?
1.) Think who would make a
great joint venture partner?
2.) As my company grows what
talent pool will I need access to?
3.) Who are my dream clients?
4.) Who are my ideal clients?
5.) Good immediate mentors or
6.) Dream mentors, favorite
speakers or authors?
By building your network with
purpose, you gain free advertisement opportunities, the chance to network with,
learn about and build relationships with the type of people you would ideally
serve. You still get to have your tight close friends from your inner circle.
However, now you have the ability to build new quality relationships and
possibly become friends with your dream clients or dream members
Maybe 3 years from now you write a
LinkedIn post about some new product your company developed and your dream
client sees the post. He thinks it is lame, but an unknown even bigger fish
sees it on your dream clients feed and reaches out to you to make a purchase. Just
being associated with your dream clients on LinkedIn can possibly lead to a
massive benefit, by association.
It is time to get over stranger
danger on LinkedIn and make some new friends and acquaintances. Build your
future successes today!