Almost daily I receive messages on Twitter how my tweets have impacted someone’s life. Their acknowledgment warms my heart, and reminds me how blessed I am to have attracted an audience on Twitter. Justly, I have a responsibility to continue sharing positive messages each and every day.
Occasionally the replies to my shared message brings tears to my eyes. When someone shares in detail how a message or affirmation was the catalyst for creating a new way of life for them, I am humbled and proud that I followed my guidance to share those messages. As fate would be, I know full well that those that need to read or hear the message will be led to it in my Tweet stream or in someone else’s messages.
Over the years, some of the messages have impacted the mindsets, relationships, business plans, but those are the easy ones – the surface strategy of my Twitter presence. It is in these next examples that a deeper passion has awakened me to assist others. Here is a small glimpse of how I have impacted others with positive and uplifting messages:
- A follower asked me to help a homeless person who reached out looking for help using his only possession – a smart phone. I was able to connect them to another Twitter friend in their area, who was able to guide them to a shelter and a program. In less than 5 tweets their situation was changed!
- A follower’s family was struggling with the sudden death of a family member, as a result of a criminal act. I noticed their Facebook post, and turned to Twitter with their story and link to a fund raising page to help with end-of-life expenses. In a couple of days, all the monies that the family needed were provided through the generosity of our social networks.
- This has happened several times – a person with a dream to create a new life or business, and with no support anywhere in their life reached out for help and hope. I reached out with a 20-minute phone call to bring new hope and confidence, to keep them moving and help them so they would know that someone across the Twitterverse believes in them. Sometimes we all need a little nudge and support.
It is from these stories and more that a bigger personal mission was delivered to me, to help others find their voice and how to best use Twitter as a platform to help change the lives of people around the world. Regardless of whether or not these people ever purchase anything from us, I believe that it is our duty to lift up the spirits of all the people our lives touch in some way.
Ask an entrepreneur why they started their business, they will answer with, ‘To help others!’ Look deep inside yourself and uncover your heart’s desire to serve others.
I would like to extend an invitation to work with me, to learn how to better use Twitter both in general and in developing relationships, business and more.
Schedule some time to discuss your plan.
#TwitterTip: Twitter is best when used as a tool to build relationships
Read A Small Glimpse of How Twitter Impacts People, Part 2