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View My Storify: #GLTP on Creating a #HappyDay

28 Oct 2014 | Posted Under Twitter

For those of you who have never used or followed Storify, basically it is a social network service that creates content taken from timelines using such social media sites as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

If you missed my last #GLTP on Saturday, August 2nd, here’s the opportunity to be a part of the Twitter Party Topic – Creating a #HappyDay.

Be sure to be a participant, RT those messages you resonate with – that offer value, and add comments to initiate conversations. Also, this will give you an opportunity to connect with new Tweople, create possible future partnerships and expand your Twitterverse – develop other meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships.

Remember look for the new shorter hashtag #GLTP in either Twubs or Tweetchat. The next Twitter Party will be on Wednesday, August 20th, starting 3 pm ET, Topic: #MarketingTips.

Keep the Party Going, Happy Tweeting! See Storify


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