One of the most frequently asked questions on Twitter is how much should I be Tweeting every day?
A person should be active on Twitter 2 times a day for about 20 minutes. I suggest that a new Tweeter with a purpose of building their community and business post 20 messages a day. It is really much simpler than you think.
One way is retweeting other people. If you retweet people approximately 5 – 7 times a day that will show your audience that it is not all about YOU. It will demonstrate that you share other people’s content that you know has great material. Remember to build that social currency by endorsing and supporting others.
I share a lot of motivational quotes because those enhance people’s lives. Zig Ziglar said … “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” Everyone is going through an emotional roller coaster. Motivational and inspirational messages have changed and saved lives.
Also, create a list. As your following grows, you can’t watch everything that people tweet. Put people on lists. Examples would be great tweeters, industry leaders, authors, etc. I put people on lists that provide good content, that have valuable resources then I do not have to spend a lot of time creating new content or curating tweets. I can scan the list, and find 5 to 10 messages to retweet. Then simply click ‘retweet, retweet, retweet’.
There is no limit to the number of people you can place in your list. At the present I have 50+ lists. One list has close to 4,800 people. Whereas, if you have to go through your home feed, you only would end up getting frustrated. What if after 20 minutes there was nothing that resonated with you to share? But, if you already have marked off people you know and can rely upon, that have good content, then you can go to that list to retweet because you have a ‘pool of good things to tweet’.
The number of lists may vary from people to people. There are different reasons why you might create your lists. I keep track of some of the people that I have taken classes with, been at events with, business and life coaches, healers. I have a number of different interests.
It is an extension of your personality!
I invite you for a FREE Twitter Review…
During your 30-minute Twitter Review we will examine your purpose and mission, your biggest challenges and offer suggestions on your profile, photo, header/background, and more.
Twitter is a major stadium filled with people having conversations. Twitter opens new relationships and opportunities that can expand you personally and professionally.
Over the years I have built an impeccable reputation and presence on Twitter. It’s really going out and laying out the foundation of who you are, and helping other people.
With more than 250,000 followers on Twitter I have built a huge following based on adding value to people’s lives, sharing my knowledge, beliefs and philosophies in my messages. I have incorporated into my platform ‘Just for Today’ messages, inspirational messages that have helped people renew their hope.
Having a strong background in marketing and sales, superior customer service and direct sales has all added value to what I teach on Twitter.
During your 30 minute Twitter Review we will examine your purpose and mission, your biggest challenges and offer suggestions on your profile, photo, header, and more. All in an effort to help you become a more effective Tweeter and turn on the attraction magnets, so that followers may become prospects and eventually customers. Twitter will be demystified, and you’ll gain confidence to boldly traverse the Twitterverse at warp speed!
Thank you for allowing me to assist you in becoming even more effective on Twitter!