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Synchronicity: Much More than Mere Coincidence

                      Synchronicity: Much More than Mere Coincidence

        I remember the frantic - and later to be realized, prophetic - phone call from a student in my Miracles of the Mind class, almost as if it happened yesterday. The caller explained that something so strange and out of the ordinary had happened to her that she didn’t know what to make of it; yet she was sure that there was a “message” in it.

      She had been walking out the door to go to a special event of her own. Having dressed up for the occasion, she had worn a certain pair of pierced earrings. She specifically remembered using extra care to secure the earring backs, as she wanted to be sure not to lose one of these earrings. They were very special to her and were expensive as well. Ready to go, she went into the garage to her car. Then she heard a small ping, and looking down spied an earring, which had apparently fallen out, despite her efforts. However, her real surprise came when she retrieved the earring. Picking it up, she gasped. The earring was still together, with back and front connected. How was that possible? She knew that she had put the earring through her ear. The only way that it could fall was if it had come apart. But it hadn’t.  What was going on?              

      It appeared that this lucky student had been offered a spiritual gift called synchronicity.

      Synchronicity takes many forms. Though it more often comes as a “coincidence” that is not really a coincidence, synchronicity can also take a more mysterious form, such as the one mentioned above. The key element in synchronicity is that the incident offers a message to the participant. This message is often not recognized by others, who will see it as mere coincidence or misinformation. Yet for the person involved, the message they perceive serves to heighten their awareness of - and often their belief in - the spiritual realm. The mystery of synchronicity may be seen as a spiritual “hello,” a tap on the shoulder from one’s angels or spiritual sources saying, “Pay attention. We are here. Notice us and believe in us.”

      We all want  proof that the spiritual realm exists. Synchronicities offer that proof at a crucial stage in the believer’s path. Synchronicities allow us to begin our journey down the spiritual path with faith and confidence, knowing that our angels and spiritual helpers really are there for us all along the way.

Rita Milios, LCSW, the Mind Mentor, is a psychotherapist, author and workshop presenter from Kissimmee, FL. She can be reached for information regarding workshops or spiritual coaching services at Or call Rita at 863-496-7223.

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