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Image by Patrick Tomasso via Unsplash
A common theme among varying business topics encourages me to provide insights on how to succeed more quickly using these sales tips. As we look back upon our careers, most wish that the lessons we learn were known upfront. But it is the willingness to proceed, no matter what we encounter, that teaches us valuable insights.
The act of introspectively examining the significant events in our lives that came before reveals whether we are to proceed with a novel idea or our career. Mentally reviewing the lessons we learn from both the good and the bad, helps enormously, particularly the ones that stand out in your memory over time. Once a recollection comes to mind, consider the emotions surrounding the memory and why that might be.
“Proceed with the attitude that whatever you previously found distasteful, you will not repeat when approaching another.
Smile Upon Hearing ‘No’
Why would anyone happily accept the answer of ‘no,’ you ask. Two answers confirm the reason for taking ‘no’ with a smile:
- Is it likely that you never changed your mind in your lifetime? Should the person and company catch your interest, it doesn’t hurt to call back in six months to say, ‘I was thinking about you and want to know how you are doing.’ The one thought can turn the communications around for the better. Deep down, most people want to know that you care about them above making the sale.
- Should the ‘no’ be forever with no change of mind ahead, feel the relief of not wasting your time needlessly.
Acceptance of ‘no’ with a smile adds to the motivation to continue going to find your ‘Yes!’
Create Games to Compete with Yourself
Whether you are seeking a new job or another client, ensure the process is enjoyable, or you may give up before its time. For those avid in their approach for acquiring what they desire, consider these ideas:
- Each day, track ‘Yes’ vs. ‘No’ to see if the positive response percentage increases over time.
- Once comfortable, approach career possibilities and companies beyond your current expertise to see what happens. Should you receive a ‘yes,’ knowledge will increase at a more rapid rate enabling you to advance more quickly.
- Track the valuable lessons learned each day and approach the next with a ‘lesson learned’ attitude.
There is no doubt that you will feel your confidence and energy increase as you move forward.
Successful Negotiation Begins with Flexibility
Upon hearing I needed to learn how to negotiate, I wondered how stringent one needs to be to master the art successfully. The traditional image is that of men attempting to strong-arm one another. I did not realize that I was already negotiating but in my unique style. Flexibility comes from an enjoyable and relaxing conversation that encourages extra insights.
Gaining the other person’s perspective first leads to precise questions that will advance the conversation positively. Upon engaging in the heart-to-heart and mind-to-mind discussions, and by asking, ‘why?’, the question unearths hidden truths and gold nuggets of information that lead to making the sale.
Sales Lessons Recap:
- Finally, the most important lesson I learned to embrace is that I’m not the root cause for things going wrong, and neither are you!
- It all boils down to whether a match is in the making, and if not, walk away with a smile.
- Opportunities are endless, and it’s our task to find the right ones that will advance our journey and bring satisfaction to a job well done.
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“Communicate to Attract Interest ~ Be A Story-Teller
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Your Story: Top Sales Secrets Learned To Help You Succeed
Typically, people tend to beat themselves up for things that do not turn out the way they expect. Promise yourself to stop doing that and replace the habit with a professional review of repeated actions instead. It can be an eye-opener for what to avoid in the future and to achieve better results.
Boldly Speak Up!
While in conversation, ask the other person or parties how they view moving forward and what they seek from a recruit or vendor. Should something specific arise that you do not understand, stop immediately to request the details to understand in total to provide a better response.
Should anything sound questionable, stop once again to inquire about the associated meanings.
FYI - when integrity comes into question, stand up, thank the person for the time and say you do not believe the opportunity is for you. Doing so applies to both accepting a job or a client; in either case, misery will set in if you don’t.
It is never too late, and we are never too old to learn something new. Commit to daily learning and apply the better ideas, one at a time, to your endeavors. Then monitor the outcomes to see which perform best. Be willing to adapt to the new methods for conducting business or job interviews.
Following the above will enable you to build a unique brand to attract the right job or clientele.
“Be bold enough to stop a conversation.
“When something does not materialize as we expect, focus on finding a better way!
“Believe in yourself!
Sales Tips: Top Sales Secrets Learned To Help You Succeed
- Uncover the gold nuggets in unpleasant feedback.
- Build confidence; seek help when necessary.
- Avoid becoming egotistical.
- Present yourself as one who enjoys learning.
- Be willing to test what you learn; should it work well, teach others.
- Become a team player and give back to a community of choice.
- Select your circle of peers and friends according to values and priorities.
- Give and accept support.
- Track your progress always.
- Celebrate Success!
Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!