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When Your Plan Fails ~ Recreate for Inspiration and Growth

08 Sep 2024 | Posted Under Growth

When Your Plan Fails ~ Recreate for Inspiration and Growth

Perfection is almost a myth, particularly as we begin our endeavors. When disappointing results occur, privately examine all avenues leading up to the event to realize a better approach. We do best when we dive deeper into where and on what level our plan failed and how we can achieve our future vision to move forward on a better footing.

Mindset Differentiates the Successful

When a negative thought hits, consider the ‘why’ and reframe it into a positive one. Another vital element is to find privacy to examine events with better concentration, realize the better path, and lessen the negativity surrounding us. 

Finding a supportive person or group dedicated to collaborative efforts, discussing our issue with those we trust, hearing various suggestions, and deciphering which may work well for us is helpful. Over time, the people who think similarly begin to emerge. The starting point is to develop our career or business first and allow our unique brand to shine so that others can see us in action and discern whether they care to interact with us.

Open-Mindedness Wins

Only egotistical people believe in winners and losers. The more open-minded one is, the greater the opportunity to realize where we erred and how to fix it to move forward. 

The better approach is adopting a ‘helping hand’ mindset and asking whether struggling people can use fresh ideas. Three possibilities exist upon receiving an answer:

No, I’ve got this.

Yes, I’d like to hear your thought

- A collaborative effort can magically kick in

Observation Is an Excellent Teacher

Remember, no one person is safe from errors. Observing how people handle their errors and which strategies appear to work best to resolve them is an excellent training tool. Upfront, express your admiration for their turning around a poor situation into a good one, and then diplomatically inquire how they arrived at their new direction to find success. 

Time for Action

As ideas begin to abound and enthusiasm returns to continue your journey, capturing which elements excite you the most and why each aspect excites you is best. Doing so provides direction for you to focus your activities on the answer. 

A promising sign for achieving your goals is when excitement hits when you begin your new approach. One challenge for many is not to allow distractions to take over. Accordingly, consider these sales-related suggestions to use daily:

- Maintain a running task list to avoid wasting time recalling what comes next.

- At the end of each day, review what went well and what needs improving.

- In the morning and before work, mentally review your goals and task list to prioritize ‘must-dos’ and focus on your more desired projects.

Monitor Progress

Only some days will be fruitful, but progress is to be seen overall. Know that nothing is ever achieved at lightning speed, and occasionally, setbacks occur. However, adhering to our routine goal-setting task list and dedicating our work to our ultimate achievement increases the likelihood that success will be ours.

Conclusion: When Your Plan Fails Create A New Strategy

Revising our procedures and resetting goals typically leads to a better outcome than we ever imagined upfront. We need to give ourselves the credibility we deserve to modify a plan for the better and connect with supportive people with similar values and priorities. The combination will likely help you reach new plateaus you never imagined.


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Be A Story-Teller

“Believe, Become, Empower”

Sales Tips: When Your Plan Fails Create A New Strategy

1.    Commit to your long-term vision for accomplishment(s) and to enjoy business success. 

2.    Review all strategies to realize where you may implement a better approach.

3.    Ensure you are current on technology and apps for quality and efficient delivery.

4.    Be open to all new ideas for consideration to uncover the better ones for your business.

5.    Take longer breaks during the weekend to allow your mind to wander and create new ideas.

6.    Consider what motivates you, the staff, and your community to benefit many.

7.    Always balance the bottom line with additional expenditures to ensure a solid footing.

8.    Stay current with industry news and research what the pundits say to realize better ideas for motivating the people you work with to new levels.

9.    ‘Don’t give up – find a better way!’

10. Celebrate Success!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!

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