Photo by Geralt via Pixabay
Fond memories are unique and special moments. Upon recalling an older movie while in the company of a friend, a lively conversation took place. The question came to mind about how we may strive to make fond memories with our clientele. Upon reading my older stories, you realize that we typically remember the best and the worst experiences. Anything in-between we frequently forget.
Although we may have fond memories of travel, restaurants, or films, it’s not often that we give thought to the remembrances our current and former clients may have of our interactions with them. Given that we strive to develop a returning and referring clientele, we should consider how to interact better to inspire thought about us and our service during our off hours.
Upon recalling a couple of highly unusual incidents will bring a smile across my face on occasion. Quite possibly, if we smile upon reflecting on some of our past encounters, some of those involved may, too, including clientele.
Client Memories Example
A favorite recollection of mine proves to me that we can make fond memories with clientele. I finally received a call from one prospective client after she received about ten of my photos. Upon walking into the offices, I knew that I was about to make fond memories. The entire collection was spread through the offices and taped to the walls. One of the employees whispered that my competitors were highly frustrated as they didn’t stand a chance!
I was involved with the printer industry. My joy was in finding funny photos. I would first scan the photo onto paper and add a caption. And then I would photocopy them to show off the strength of the brand we sold. For extra humor, I would add captions:
Photo with caption examples:
- A truck high in the limbs of a tree: “Set your goals higher!”
- A woman in the pool using her laptop: “Keep your business afloat!”
- A dog wearing a baseball cap: “Doggone it, call me!”
On another level, I enjoyed speaking with the people I met, except perhaps a few. In those instances, I didn’t bother following up. It was more important to enjoy the experience by creating a favorable moment for the client and myself. Often, the friendly conversations led to receiving a business contract. Repeat business and referrals came next. The laughter we shared, and the warm welcome for each new appointment, encouraged me always to strive to make fond memories.
Should you be curious about some of these events with my clientele, I contributed many of the stories to SalesPop! Although they may have you laughing out loud, they do illustrate helpful points for successful selling.
Looking back on the events that bring a smile, I realize it’s about enjoying the work we do. Laughter and fond remembrances are non-existent if we do not care about our profession. The caring and the sharing are what will get us through tough times, failures too, and then bring us back to a new level we never saw coming.
The same applies to communications over the internet. By taking the time to research people and their companies, we have a far better chance to attract interest and then enjoy an in-depth conversation. The importance for entrepreneurs and companies is to build a known and respectable brand. As admiration increases, so do connections and followings. Over time, new and better opportunities arrive that make the extra effort well worthwhile.
An underlying secret to making fond memories is to be passionate about our endeavor and convey the why to those with whom we connect.
- Create the Smooth Sale (returning and referring)
- Inspired Quotes for Business and Life
- The Smooth Sale Get HIRED! Course and Workbook
- The Smooth Sale Course for Entrepreneurs and Salespeople
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Do You Strive Have Fond Memories?
One evening take time to reflect on your previous career days. Is there a special moment in time that brings a smile? Think about the steps leading up to the event and why it’s a happy moment. And then consider if it’s something you may duplicate in today’s environment.
Communications are everything if you want to strive to make fond memories. Consider whether there is energy in your voice, and a smile on your face. Honestly answer whether it all comes through in the email you write and the responses you give? Similarly, think about the responses you receive. Are the replies almost rude, or are they welcoming? Taking a moment to consider how people respond to you provides excellent insight for potential improvement.
Do Clients and Prospects:
- Give you a warm welcome.
- State they enjoy the conversation.
- Suggest you return and eagerly consider your ideas.
- View you as their go-to-person.
- Develop into friendly clients.
On another level, if you are on the job that you do not enjoy, you may want to consider your next assignment. Should you be an entrepreneur not entirely satisfied with where you are, contemplate where you want to go and achieve. Then start to think about your deep-down desires.
Next, chart out a plan for attaining your future vision. It’s never too late to try something new or set a new goal. The only items that will set you back are the lack of motivation or the willingness to try.
Last, keep a record of your new and improved journey should you decide to take one. Note the pitfalls and the highlights along the way. The practice becomes your journal to make fond memories.
Sales Tips: Make Fond Memories
- Focus on what you most enjoy.
- Expand upon the fun elements.
- Eliminate wasted time dreading what you don’t want to do.
- Do what’s necessary upfront to get it out of the way.
- Prioritize and check off the must-do list piece by piece.
- Each day, include a part of what you like doing most.
- Every evening, review the day for what you may improve tomorrow.
- Each evening, review what went well along with the ‘why’ to replicate tomorrow.
- Create your task list for the next day for efficiency.
- Celebrate Success!
Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!