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Are You Ready to Improve Your Career?

The desire to improve your career requires the readiness to examine where you are from multiple angles, including acknowledging the following:


·      Consider all the reasons why you want to implement change.

·      Expectations for a better outcome.

·      Research or study that will be necessary.

·      Diligent planning.

·      List the people who may contribute insight to make your journey easier.


Mid-stream of change, we may wonder why we are attempting the new, but holding steady with determination will get you to your goal. The long-term goal is to live life without regret. Our path is never straight for achieving all that we desire, and often, it is due to interruption without warning. Examples include the pandemic that changed much of the workforce to remote jobs and recent layoffs in unheard-of numbers. 


Applying the brakes to improve your career does not necessarily translate to quitting, although that is an option. It can also infer taking the time to give a more meaningful approach to your work. For our sanity, we must continually review our values and priorities to ensure we match them with the work others expect of us.


The main caution is that entrepreneurship or retirement may sound like glorious dreams, but the reality is not always the case. The irony is that many who retire too early or choose entrepreneurial work now glorify being back in the corporate workspace, forgetting the other side of reality that may include dark spaces.


Goal Achievement

The twice-daily review of goals in your plan (morning and evening) entails remembering what comes next to remain on track. Each strategy plays into the next; the extra efficiencies allow for an increase in productivity. The rise in productivity contributes to brand recognition and further business growth.


Note that ‘selecting’ does not mean being discriminatory but working with those with similar values, goals, and ideals. Inclusiveness in refining our belief systems is essential for achieving our foreseeable goals and moving far beyond. As an entrepreneur, goal achievement is vital to attract collaborative partnerships and selectively grow networks for branding, marketing, and sales. On the other hand, we need to be aware of opposing thoughts to keep our eyes, ears, and minds open to missed details and ideas that can spur further growth.


Revising Methods


We all recognize that methods, technology, and society change more rapidly with time. Building a business used to be straightforward with less stress involvement. Today, we need to combine disciplines, cross-training skill sets, and understand the A.I. updates and how they may affect us tomorrow. Moreover, combining marketing, branding, and sales strategies is a given.


Give and Receive


It is more crucial than ever to associate with people who seemingly have more experience and talent than us. Doing so allows us to learn beyond all expectations. Joining a specialized network, contributing to a community, and deliberately seeking insights from people globally put us on an accelerated path to learning.


Steps to Improve Your Career


Before making a drastic change to your work, it is best to realize whether you are currently gaining expertise and receiving some enjoyment at the same time. If the time is now to create a new work lifestyle, give due consideration to all the benefits versus the concerns about doing so. It’s essential to have a positive score sheet before you begin because the future is unpredictable. 


One critical ingredient to always be in your possession is the motivation to continue moving forward no matter the experiences we do not see coming. Whatever you decide to do, embrace it entirely to grow possibilities, networks, and clientele. The outcome may provide you with results beyond your initial expectations. Although some may say your ideas are ridiculous, as long as you give everything you have to it, you are the one who will be stepping into something better than you initially expected. 


Last Word for Improving Your Career


Giving due consideration to the insights above makes it possible to accelerate your career in the direction you most desire! Moving with the sales slogan of knowing your client’s needs, wants, and desires and embracing the same only for you, you can create an entirely new business model and enjoy the new you!


The desire to improve your career requires the readiness to examine where you are from multiple angles, including acknowledging the following:

1.     Consider all the reasons why you want to implement change.

2.     Expectations for a better outcome.

3.     Research or study that will be necessary.

4.     Diligent planning.

5.     List the people who may contribute insight to make your journey easier.


Mid-stream of change, we may wonder why we are attempting the new, but holding steady with determination will get you to your goal. The long-term goal is to live life without regret. Our path is never straight for achieving all that we desire, and often, it is due to interruption without warning. Examples include the pandemic that changed much of the workforce to remote jobs and recent layoffs in unheard-of numbers. 


Applying the brakes to improve your career does not necessarily translate to quitting, although that is an option. It can also infer taking the time to give a more meaningful approach to your work. For our sanity, we must continually review our values and priorities to ensure we match them with the work others expect of us.


The main caution is that entrepreneurship or retirement may sound like glorious dreams, but the reality is not always the case. The irony is that many who retire too early or choose entrepreneurial work now glorify being back in the corporate workspace, forgetting the other side of reality that may include dark spaces.


Goal Achievement

The twice-daily review of goals in your plan (morning and evening) entails remembering what comes next to remain on track. Each strategy plays into the next; the extra efficiencies allow for an increase in productivity. The rise in productivity contributes to brand recognition and further business growth.


Note that ‘selecting’ does not mean being discriminatory but working with those with similar values, goals, and ideals. Inclusiveness in refining our belief systems is essential for achieving our foreseeable goals and moving far beyond. As an entrepreneur, goal achievement is vital to attract collaborative partnerships and selectively grow networks for branding, marketing, and sales. On the other hand, we need to be aware of opposing thoughts to keep our eyes, ears, and minds open to missed details and ideas that can spur further growth.


Revising Methods


We all recognize that methods, technology, and society change more rapidly with time. Building a business used to be straightforward with less stress involvement. Today, we need to combine disciplines, cross-training skill sets, and understand the A.I. updates and how they may affect us tomorrow. Moreover, combining marketing, branding, and sales strategies is a given.


Give and Receive


It is more crucial than ever to associate with people who seemingly have more experience and talent than us. Doing so allows us to learn beyond all expectations. Joining a specialized network, contributing to a community, and deliberately seeking insights from people globally put us on an accelerated path to learning.


Steps to Improve Your Career


Before making a drastic change to your work, it is best to realize whether you are currently gaining expertise and receiving some enjoyment at the same time. If the time is now to create a new work lifestyle, give due consideration to all the benefits versus the concerns about doing so. It’s essential to have a positive score sheet before you begin because the future is unpredictable. 


One critical ingredient to always be in your possession is the motivation to continue moving forward no matter the experiences we do not see coming. Whatever you decide to do, embrace it entirely to grow possibilities, networks, and clientele. The outcome may provide you with results beyond your initial expectations. Although some may say your ideas are ridiculous, as long as you give everything you have to it, you are the one who will be stepping into something better than you initially expected. 


Last Word for Improving Your Career


Giving due consideration to the insights above makes it possible to accelerate your career in the direction you most desire! Moving with the sales slogan of knowing your client’s needs, wants, and desires and embracing the same only for you, you can create an entirely new business model and enjoy the new you!


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