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Are You Relaxed When You Sell?
Although being at the top of the sales scoreboard feels good, the better sales strategy is to be relaxed when you sell! The common theme is that of egotistical salespeople attempting to prove that they are better than their teammates. You can guess that this mental mindset does not work well for building relationships, teamwork, or the company bottom line.
When we are willing to attempt the opposite, the new, or a momentary flash of an idea, new results can occur. Often, the outcome is far better than we expect. It is the willingness to try the new or even outlandish idea that enables us to stand out in a crowded profession.
The next time you are in a meeting with a prospective buyer, find the opportunity to share an appropriate laughable moment to test whether it will improve the conversation and lead to more.
“Laughter relaxes most and proves to be the better sales strategy.”
Competitiveness consumes us on many levels. Sports, school grades, and the errors we see others make all add to our desire to be the best. However, successful business practices teach the combined effect. While some may want to be seen as the best in their job, being willing to recognize that it’s impossible to excel in everything, it is best to accept the help of others, including our clientele.
“The collaborative approach is the differentiator for those who experience success in their endeavors.”
A public speaking class was my game-changer for overcoming the anxiety over meeting unfamiliar people in careers far more advanced than mine. One essential piece of advice in the class was to share stories and laughter whenever possible. The idea hit a familiar chord. Growing up, I always enjoyed making people laugh as it is a ‘feel good’ moment in time.
The enjoyment in making others laugh never left, so I attempted the same with prospective clientele. Most never saw the surprise moment coming their way. Unexpectedly, I had them doubling over with laughter. Instead of focusing on the sale as most representatives do, the better sales strategy is to ease the tense atmosphere by helping release tension with laughter.
By the end of conversations, people always thanked me for my relaxed business style. The last laugh was recalling our memorable moment in time together. Most often, the laughter earned the willingness to move forward with business. Additional meetings always included humor that contributed to clientele loyalty.
For examples read:
'Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results.'

Be A Story-Teller
“Communicate to Attract Interest”
For More Insights: Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page
Consider whether you are relaxed when you sell. If your sales approach can benefit from improvement, consider doing the following:
- Continually attempt to learn from those you admire.
- Ask clientele for feedback.
- Test the collaborative approach within a group.
- Seek to learn from those who are in complementary fields.
- Include appropriate humor in conversations.
Take time to reminisce about previous sales-related appointments to focus on the ones that stand out most and what makes them more memorable.
Mentally review the discussions that include the following:
- Humor in the conversation.
- Inquiries about the company’s procedures while omitting the typical telling-selling.
- Conversations were more about getting to know one another better and less about making a sale.
It is never too late to attempt a new approach and revise older habits. Our willingness to continue learning is the game changer for those who do find success. Better yet is to learn from those who are admired in their field and adapt what they do and say to your unique style. The effort contributes to your personal brand and overall branding effect to become well-known in your field of expertise.
Sales Tips: Be Relaxed When You Sell
- View each day as a new beginning.
- Attempt to learn something new related to your endeavor daily.
- Confer with peers about their new realizations for improvement.
- Examine which areas will best assist business growth.
- Consider participating in a game related to your career for learning purposes.
- Adapt new ideas to your style of doing business.
- Ensure the old and the new strategies are working harmoniously.
- Continue revising and improving upon your approach for business
- Discover and adopt a better sales strategy.
- Celebrate Success!