Being okay with business as it is today will not play out well for long-term success. The mentality can be a demotivator that quickly turns into a sinkhole. It is critical that we maintain a positive mindset as we look forward to better times and results. For example, the sentence, I am determined to succeed, repeated daily, can change the direction business takes for the better.
In today’s high-tech environment with AI becoming predominant, it will serve no one well to be okay with business. What we know today may not apply tomorrow. The commitment to ongoing learning, research, trial, and error, plus the willingness to continue forging forward, is what builds:
- Momentum
- Opportunities
- Audience size
- Business growth
Realizing that despite all the awful predictions, we can continue our unique path, work our way, and succeed! Each new challenge can prepare us for what is to be in the future. Accordingly, we must commit to going forth, no matter the challenge. One of the better motivators is by reviewing our starting point to realize how far we have come.
Reflection is our friend. The realization of the pros and cons of every experience will point us to a better path for tomorrow. Upon receiving a challenging question, it is always best to carve out time for deeper consideration of the ramifications from as many perspectives as possible. Doing so brings clarity and realization of the better way to proceed. Similarly, restructuring a business, applying new strategies, and potentially hiring staff or finding collaborative partners will help you remain on the road to ongoing success.
Typically, we celebrate our success privately, but when we can inspire others to earn their success, the meaning is far more robust, and the feeling of celebration is more exuberant. The determination with your unique reality in the mix and proper planning will keep you adequately engaged in experiencing further achievements.
The extra step for consideration offers a community spirit. It is in sharing what you learn along your journey for the betterment of your community or audience in their earlier stages. It becomes a Win for Many, and the internal celebration is the most satisfying!

As the CEO of Smooth Sale, after her near-death experience, Stutz created the motto,
“Believe, Become, Empower“
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Selling and Evergreen Book – among the classics.
Sales Tips: Okay with Business
1. Remaining okay with business never pans out well.
2. The underlying recipe for success is embracing the motivation to continue learning and implementing the new.
3. Quitting works, but only if you will live the remainder of your life without regret.
4. Build up enthusiasm by having conversations with those you enjoy.
5. Exchange stories about the ups and downs of business and life with trustworthy peers.
6. Upon sharing experiences, realize opportunities for a collaborative effort or a new idea to attempt independently.
7. Join a new group that sounds intriguing to build connections and discover a new way of thinking.
8. Budget for investing in new technology.
9. Monitor all your processes to realize what works best and consider maximizing the results.
10. Celebrate Success!