Perfectionism is the bane of creativity, the holdback of productivity and the energy sucker of life’s joy! Isn’t it interesting then that we all spend so much time and focus trying to achieve the nearly impossible? Yes, of course, there are places and times that being absolutely perfect is critical – no question. But the truth is that 99% of life/business not only doesn’t require perfection but is hampered by the pursuit of it. We’re all so concerned with judging and being judged on anything less than the absolute that we’re missing the opportunity for real quality. So just for today, give quality a chance. Let go of that pesky little voice that drives you to distraction claiming utter failure if there is one iota of error in any part of your work or life. Give it a try – relax, enjoy, breathe. The challenge for today--- let one thing go without it being perfect. You can do it! Let me know how it goes. If you find you just can’t – give me a call. We’ll work on talking you down!