‘Live Better With Willie Jolley’ Tip: This Too
Shall Pass
Today’s tip for success is focused
on helping you overcome this challenging economy. It is taken from my new book,
Setbacks Into Greenbacks. We have all heard the biblical phrase “it
came to pass,” which usually implies that an event or experience came to
fulfillment. Yet there is another meaning that I believe is just as powerful in
light of these tough times and the numerous challenges associated with them. It
means that this situation did not come to stay but rather to pass, to move by
Economic storms, like
thunderstorms, come into
our lives at various times. But, you need to stay
mindful of the fact that they come to pass, they
do not come to stay. Do not panic and do not jump off
any bridges, because this too shall pass. It is not personal nor is it
permanent! Remember, it came to pass-it did not come to stay! Visit my website at
for more information on turning your setbacks into greenbacks, and make this a
great day!