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AI Tips

October 5th, 2023

AI Tip #1 - Join the 20% who AI can't replace

"AI won't replace humans, but humans with AI will replace humans without AI."  

Harvard Business Review

On March 31st, 2023 Goldman Sachs predicted that 300 million jobs will be lost or diminished by AI.

How do you avoid being among the 80% who are predicted to lose their jobs to AI?

Let’s say you’re an author, a graphic artist, designer, animator, copywriter, book editor, doctor, lawyer, photographer, teacher, reporter, accountant, insurance broker, coach or anyone whose work can now be facilitated by an AI. Do you give up and say, “AI can do this now and way faster, I better find something else to do.”…?

NO! You embrace it – you learn how to use AI tools that can enhance what you do, you learn how to talk to the machines and USE them to dramatically speed up your delivery, and the number of clients you can handle!

As an artist, use what AI generates for inspiration for your work. AI can be awesome for your marketing too.

Here's what an artist who embraced AI said:

"I’m an art director, graphic designer — I stumbled into Al and generative art about 3 months ago.

At first I thought, “I've been made completely redundant.”, but thankfully as I dove into using Al I realized that it's just another tool and if it's placed in the hands of a skilled user it has incredible potential.  Al gave me superpowers : )

I created a mock campaign for Osprey Backpacks to pitch them for graphic design work super-quickly using generative art and Al, and I just got my first design project with them. : )"

AI Tip #2 - Better than ChatGPT

Many people find out about the amazing ways that ChatGPT can help them, and they start using the free version.

What many don't realize is that the free version was only trained to September 2021, and has no web access, so its information can be very out of date.

One solution is to use a free Chrome extension called WebChatGPT, which adds web access to the free ChatGPT.

My preferred solution is to instead use the more recently released Claude 3, which I personally prefer to ChatGPT. It's amazing what Claude can do. You can try Claude here:

Note at June 11th, 2024: The free version of ChatGPT now includes access to the vastly improved ChatGPT 4o :)

AI Tip #3 - How to get AI image generators to create what you actually want
If you've used MidJourney or Leonardo to create images, you've probably noticed that they sometimes don't include things you've asked for, or they add things that you didn't. 

And so you find yourself going back and forth trying to adjust your prompt to get them to give you exactly what you want. There is a simpler solution - see my new June 11th, 2024 post at:

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