My father was a successful self-made business man -
first he (with my Uncle Joe) built a real estate/insurance brokerage business in
Philly so profitably that he was able to buy/create the golf course he fully
enjoyed until he sold that and the business in Philly at two tidy profits,
retiring when he was ready to do so (in his late sixties). He then made more
money with his investing prowess.
He taught me by example that now is the time for me to
think about how best to handle who gets my mansions (yeah, right...) and my
wishes for what to do with the body when my spirit takes a hike. I follow his
lead, not just because he proved his sound mind for business, but because I
experienced the fine results of the preparations he so smartly, and thoughtfully
made at about the same age I am now. We foolishly mocked his "way too advance
planning" then, but I thank him now with great love & respect.
So, I proudly share his wisdom with you, in the hope
that you won't make the mistakes of so many that give probate attorneys and
"funeral homes" far more than necessary from your estate's wallet.