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Programs offered by WOS

30 May 2024 | Posted Under Service


Vehicles for Veterans

Helps veterans re-enter the workforce after serving our country. Our Vehicles for Veterans program, started with funding through State Farm in 2009 with continuing annual support, makes it easier for veterans to keep the jobs they have, get the medical care they need and keep them from sliding into homelessness.

Road to Independence

Road to Independence

Helps domestic violence victims escape their abuse with reliable transportation. Victims of domestic violence include men, women and children of all ages. Without a car, these women and men feel trapped because they often have to depend on their abuser to transport their children to school and medical appointments.

Wheels to the Future

Wheels to the Future

Wheels of Success’ Wheels to the Future program, started by Joe Clark and the Eckerd Family Foundation, specifically targets young people aging out of foster care and unaccompanied youth who lack support from family members as they start adult life on their own. We provide that all-important “first car” because safe, reliable transportation is an essential component in continuing their education and supporting themselves.

Cars for Caregivers

Cars for Caregivers

Helps Direct Care Workers (“DCW”) improve the lives of their patients after the buses stop running as well as other working poor in need. A pattern emerged; DCWs struggled to get to work. It is difficult to deliver good care when one is worried how they will pick-up their children from school, whether they will be laid off if their car breaks down one more time, or when one has to walk through Florida heat and rain to get to work. As Susan explained “Having reliable transportation enables caregivers to take care of their families so that they can take care of ours.”

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