There’s an old adage known as “Silence is Golden” and it forms the inspiration for my latest podcast.
Are you choosing when to speak and when to be silent, too?
Most of us are quick to engage in arguments, fast to return barbs and habituated into giving our opinions even when others haven't asked.
Speaking up is important and sometimes imperative.
But what about taking advantage of golden moments when silence can create some better outcomes?
In this podcast, we explore the “silence is golden” adage that dates
way back to the early Egyptians. Using a bit of observation with life
scenarios that are common to us all, I invite listeners to discover new
ways we can inject peace into our lives and the lives of others, too.
Listen to this inspiring self-empowerment podcast: Is Your Silence Golden? As you tune in, allow it to remind you of your own power to positively influence your peace and that of the world around you.
Then, listen in as Helena from Bosnia & Herzegovina shares with us what makes her happy from the inside out.
Enjoy your speech, and enjoy the golden goodness of your silence, too!

Maura is an International Speaker on Influence, Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
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