Remember when you could imagine?
earliest use of imagination could be found stepping into fantasy-filled
images in children's picture books; identifying with superheroes in
cartoons; or learning about supernatural conquests in Sunday school or
Back then, it was easy to believe. It didn't require
much to identify with the amazing, the magnificent, the brilliant or
even the impossible.
The facility to believe for the wonderful and
extraordinary is hidden in our souls, until we're properly taught and
socialized. That's when we learn that the ideas, aspirations and
possibilities of our imagination are impractical and/or impossible.
our ability to imagine is slow and gradual for most. But it's quick for
some who experience traumas like the ravages of war or an unexpected
death of a loved one.
By adulthood, we've yielded to familiar
limitations and norms, surrendering to a world most of us find far less
than optimum. We may criticize others and bemoan the way things are
while overlooking our own role in creating something better. Why?
Because our willingness to believe and imagine has long been stifled.
tell all of you with certainty, unless you change and become like
little children, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven." ~
Is there a sense of "heaven" that we intrinsically know, relate to and have the power to create here on earth?
of us wait for others to change our world. We yearn for leaders,
esteemed experts, favorite authorities or even saviors to come to our rescue. Meanwhile, we forget something important.
No matter how small the perceived venue or corner of universe in which we live, we each occupy a space of influence.
in these very places, we have the capacity to effect the change we wish to
see in the world. The changes we create may range from subtle and
mundane to epic and profound. Either way, the rippling effects have the
capacity to empower, enlighten and emancipate ourselves -- as well as
I introduce my latest podcast and focus on former Beatle John Lennon's 1988 song by the same name - Imagine.
Though released over 30 years ago, Lennon's lyrics and messaging remains
inspirational. It also speaks to a universal truth.
As in all my podcasts, I share my own stories. You'll hear two seemingly ordinary ways in which I've pressed back against the current
world, in favor of something brighter.
I hope this latest release inspires you to do the same: to imagine again.
it encourage you to be a catalyst, no matter how small you feel as a
You alone can help imagine and create a better, happier world.
Click here to listen to podcast 151 - Can You Imagine?
Maura is an International Speaker on Leadership, Influence and Emotional Intelligence
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