I take the solar eclipse up on its offer to set new patterns in motion. Patterns that encourage me to separate myself out from the family dynamics that swallows me up. Patterns that remind me that family members don’t need me to fix or figure out their lives for them. Patterns that encourage me to plant myself firmly in the ground I am on.
I find new ways to shine in my home life. I break with traditions that stifle me. I secure myself in the moment, instead of trying to solve problems that are long in the past.
I recommit to the psychological work necessary to unpack the deeper issues that I have inherited. I recommit to doing the reflective work necessary to help myself heal. I recommit to the boundaries that I need to maintain in order to be in reciprocally nurturing relationships.
I am willing to get to the heart of matters that weigh heavy on my heart. My love relationships, past and present, are up for review. Up for healing. Up to be understood on a deeper level. I have the conversations, both with myself and with my loves that will lead me to the information I need to integrate.
When all else fails this week, I will remember to find joy. I will remember to seek out pleasure. I will remember that kindness, compassion and connection come in a million different forms. To deny any of them is to deny all of them. I allow love in, in all the forms, in all ways and always.
How do you allow love in? Would love to hear from you.