Angus Adigun joined Parallels a few weeks ago after spending the past
decade at both VMware and Citrix. With his extensive knowledge of application
delivery and virtualization, he will be a strong point of reference for
customers and resellers using our technology, helping them achieve the best
results for their businesses.
We sat down for an interview with Angus to better understand his
motives for joining the Parallels team and his vision for Parallels business
products: Parallels® Remote Application Server, Parallels Desktop® for Mac
Business Edition, and Parallels® Mac Management for Microsoft® SCCM.
Why did you join Parallels?

Angus AdigunI’ve been a part of the virtual cloud computing (VCC)
industry since 2004, when I first joined VMware. I liked the industry and found
the technology to be very engaging. They are efficient technologies that get
the job done securely while increasing worker productivity—truly innovative.
But unfortunately, with VMware Horizon and Citrix XenApp, it’s expensive to the
point that it sometimes ends up crippling IT budgets more than it helps them.
After I had joined Citrix, I got to know of a new competitive product on the
market, Parallels RAS—an application and desktop delivery solution that offers
the same versatility at a fraction of the cost. Because of its lower price
point, Parallels RAS allows organizations to get all the advantages of VCC
without sacrificing large amounts of their budgets.
After some more research into the product, I found out that it offers
solid performance that is consistent across any OS and device, providing IT
teams with needed flexibility. Parallels RAS can also be integrated with all
major hypervisors, Microsoft RDS, and can be deployed on private, hybrid, or
public cloud systems.
I decided to join the Parallels team to continue supporting customers
to easily access virtual workspaces and being able to manage Mac computers like
How do you see Parallels RAS future in the market?
As a cost effective, secure, and cloud-ready application and desktop
virtualization solution, Parallels RAS can enable organizations to quickly
embrace VCC without complexity and
without immobilizing large amounts of budget. With Parallels RAS, I can
already see how we can provide IT service providers with a profitable and fast
way to answer customers’ demands of SaaS and DaaS.
The WannaCry attack a few weeks ago has shown us how vulnerable
traditional local desktop-based infrastructure is against cybercrime. Following
this event, businesses are looking closer at VCC models as a way of securing
their corporate data and applications. Parallels RAS reinforces company data
policies, identifying employees’ access against Active Directory using granular
filtering by IP, by device, by Mac address, and more. On top of this, it
supports two-factor and smart card authentication.
How do you see Parallels RAS comparing to Citrix XenApp and VMware
Parallels RAS offers a great value, unmatched ease of use and brilliant
performance on iOS and Android. Beyond this, it offers an out-of-the-box High
Availability Load Balancer (HALB) for server and gateways, printing
redirection, and a reporting tool.
Parallels RAS is an incredibly scalable solution, capable of
integrating with all major hypervisors supporting Windows Server 2003R2
onwards. I genuinely believe that Parallels RAS is a solution that offers more
value for businesses with less than 5,000 employees compared to both Citrix
XenApp and VMware Horizon. This is especially true because on top of the low
entry price, there are no sunk or hidden costs related to complex
configuration, professional services, and certification. To further lower the
Parallels RAS TCO, Parallels offers free training to our customers and channel
How do you think Parallels can help Apple customers enjoy Windows
With the increasing amount of Apple® devices in companies, it is
important that customers still have access to Windows apps. Apple devices
should also be managed by the IT admins. A lot of customers only manage PCs but
forget about the management of the Mac devices in the company. Parallels
Desktop for Mac Business Edition and Parallels Mac Management for Microsoft
SCCM fill a gap on the market, giving customers the opportunity to enjoy
Windows technology on their Apple devices and to manage Mac devices like PCs
without having to learn a new technology.
Over the next five years, what opportunities do you think there will be
for IT resellers?
With the consumerization of IT, multi-device adoption, and increasing
mobility, I do think that we are entering a period of greater awareness on
cross-platform opportunities.
I think cloud solutions and cloud integration will keep growing in
importance as companies will move to VCC to provide access to their business
applications from any device, reduce IT overheads, and increase data security.
Therefore, solutions that can integrate with Amazon Web Services and Microsoft
Azure will continue to be successful.
The migration that businesses are having from a workstation-based
environment to a more mobile one is also important for the channel industry, as
resellers and MSPs will be able to create recurring revenue streams by
capitalizing on this opportunity and offering companies a way of using
line-of-business resources on their mobile devices.
From your experience, do you have any advice for anyone looking to make
it in this sector?
Listen to people’s needs. The VCC industry is extremely dynamic,
evolving with modern working conditions. So if you have fun with it, keep an
ear to the ground and move from trend to trend and extract what you can from
every single one, you will end up with a product or offering that is tailored
to meet the needs of many, guaranteeing your success.