2018 Tampa Bay Wealth Summit -
April 21st - included in the lineup are World-Renowned Speakers/Trainers Lisa Nichols & James Arthur Ray from The Secret. I am so excited to be sharing the stage with them.
Business owners, entrepreneurs and companies, join us for the 2018 Tampa
Bay Wealth Summit; this will be a life transforming event!
You will learn investment strategies, how to increase sales, wealth
building through social media, how to protect your wealth and other
secrets of the wealthy. We have a fantastic lineup of speakers who are
experts in their fields. They will provide key tools to help you obtain
the wealth you deserve for you and your family.
Learn more and Register at: http://www.wangloballlc.com/

We're looking forward to meeting you at this phenomenal event.
To Success!
Kathy Perry
P.S. If you have any questions, please give me a call.