Releases Info on it's Cryptocurrency - Libra
18, 2019 by Press Release
is proud to share insights with you from member Kathy Perry, our
Social Media Consultant about Facebook’s expansion plans
states: Facebook officially released information about their upcoming
new cryptocurrency called 'Libra'.
created a separate company called Calibra and has partnered with over
a dozen major companies to create Libra, including Mastercard, Visa,
Paypal, Stripe, Uber, ebay, Spotify, etc.
new cryptocurrency will allow users to send and receive funds from an
app or within Messenger and WhatsApp integrations, according to
Facebook's announcement.
can learn more by listening to Kathy’s interview with Jim
Blasingame, the Small Business Advocate Radio at:
says: "...Calibra will let you send Libra to almost anyone
with a smartphone, as easily and instantly as you might send a text
message at low to no cost. And, in time, we hope to offer
additional services for people and businesses, like paying your
sees it's 2 biggest markets as India and the United States.
Their goal is to become an essential utility where you do everything
within Facebook.
more about this fascinating topic and many other topics at
or simply start receiving her information immediately by taking 2
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To Success!
Kathy Perry
Social Media Marketing Consultant
Known for Taking the Eek! out of Geek &