You’re invited to a special LIVE event with very special guests – TV personality, Kellie Hill, Dr. Laurel Geise, and Trish Golden. Check it out here:
EmpoweredLivingTampa.com < ==LINK
When Trish Golden asked for help getting the word out about the Empowered Living LIVE event she sent me this quote from Zig Ziglar and I wanted to share it with you because it puts everything you're going to learn at Empowered Living LIVE . . . into perspective.
Here goes . . .
"It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through." -- Zig Ziglar
As a master of helping people to create change in their lives, we've found that you must perform in 3 key areas to get what you desire:
1) Getting clear on what you want
2) Developing a plan (getting the skill set)
3) Taking consistent action
When you come to Empowered Living LIVE you'll learn exactly how to get a clear vision of what you desire, the skills you'll need to get there and a plan for ensuring you take consistent action. I'm excited to be participating in this event as a Panel Member.
Kathy Perry