Would you like to grow your business over the next year
using a tool at your fingertips?
I will be presenting to C-level Executives – members of the Renaissance
Executive Forms in Tampa, Florida via Zoom early July. We will discuss how using insights from my
International Best Seller book “Strategically Grow Your Business Connections
from Zero to 10K in 365 Days.” As well as information for my joint press
release with LinktoEXPERT that was distributed to executives and entrepreneurs nationally
over business wires http://www.linktoexpert.com/expert/Free-resources/article/675Secrets%20about%20the%20Social%20Media%20Giant%20press%20release%20August%2019%202019.pdf
If you would like me to share my insights with you and your
organization virtually or live please contact me to schedule.
Jess Tiffany, CEO
Marketing and Networking University