Mistake # 1: Bad Photo
Add a high quality, current and professional photo, 300 dpi, full color image.
Mistake #2: Print Is Too Small
If your potential customer is over 40, and you are using less than 12 point font on your contact information then they will lose interest.
Mistake # 3: All the Info Has The Same Font Size
Use bigger type on important information, and get a shorter email address/website link. Include capital letters with each word in the longtail link.
Mistake # 4: Text Is Too Wordy
Be certain to have clear and concise text and information.
Mistake # 5: No Benefit Statement
The only one that cares about your name, or the name of your company is you. People want to know what you will do for them. It’s all about them!
Mistake # 6: You Haven’t Conveyed How You Will Solve Their Problem
The first thing they should see is something that will solve their problem.
Mistake # 7: Too Much Information
Choose one email address. Create curiosity. The purpose of the card is to invite them to connect with you, not to be an entire sales process without you talking with them.
Mistake # 8: Sharing All Your Phone Numbers
It sings out that you are desperate or hard to get a hold of, and you are willing to take calls anytime.
Mistake # 9: Set And Maintain Your Personal Boundaries
Some people will take advantage of your 24/7 availability.
Mistake # 10: Missing Social Media Contact
I must convey how important this aspect is, after all, I am a Twitter Expert. Adding your social media contact is vital to building and developing relationships. Once you are connected, it will be a tool not just to create a sale or build possible business ventures, JVs, collaborative efforts; but importantly, you can be a resource to give recommendations. If you cannot help them solve their problem, you can be the go-to person to connect them with the right person who can help them with their business.
Bonus Tip #1: Not Enough Or Confusing Information
Keep it simple is a great adage. But, if your prospect cannot figure out what you do, they will not contact. Use simple terms a 5th grader or 80-year old grandma will easily comprehend.
Bonus Tip #2: Not Using Your Card To Get Their Card
People are generally well meaning, and may take your card only to be polite. They may even have an interest in calling you, but either will lose the card, or get caught up in their lives and forget, or perhaps someone else came into their lives providing them the same service.
It’s been said with good reason: The fortune is in the follow up. Asking for their card puts you in the driver seat, and gives you permission to contact them.
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