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Attracting Prosperity and Abundance, Part 2

03 Jan 2015 | Posted Under Mindset

Attracting Prosperity and Abundance, Part 2

In continuation of my topic, Attracting Prosperity & Abundance, these main topics are covered in today’s blog: dream stealers, DNA, follow a recipe, centering oneself and Just for Today affirmations.

Another crucial aspect of Attracting Prosperity & Abundance is eliminating Dream Stealers. This is imperative. If you have your own home-based business that the family may think is ‘out there’ and they do not support you, it is your responsibility to protect your dreams.

Your family members may have good intentions. They may respond with …”Well, Uncle Bob tried that and it didn’t work”. In some ways they are trying to protect you, but what they do not know is they are poking a hole in your balloon. So, it is your responsibility to protect your dream. It’s safer to talk about sex, religion and politics at family gatherings then to allow somebody to come and steal your dreams. You can always talk about kids, sports, or some other topic. When asked about how your business is doing, a great answer that covers both ways is … “unbelievable”.

Let’s talk about DNA. So, what is DNA? How many times have you picked up the phone, and you know that person is going to take you off course. They are going to suck the energy out of you. You are not going to be able to get back on track. So, go into your phone, and that person you don’t want to take the call from or you want to choose when to, add ‘DNA’ before their name …. “Do Not Answer”. You can choose whether or not to return the call. Those Dream Stealers, those energy vampires are going to go someplace else. It is the same as with Dream Stealers, do not allow them to take anything from you.

Another reason resolutions do not work is because people do not follow a recipe. What would your cake be like if you put the egg on last after it comes out of the oven? In creating your goals, there is a sequence. There is a reason why you need to do things in a certain order for everything to hold together, so create a system.

Many business owners walk in both worlds: the practical and the spiritual. What I found in walking both worlds is we need to be able to ‘center’. When we are not centered, we are not clear, we are not present. We are not allowing that energy to flow through us, and be able to direct us where we need to go. This is not necessarily our final path.

I was drawn to go to massage school. That healing and what I learned from massage opened up other doors. So, where you are going, where you are led may not be where you are designed to go. So, be centered, use Reiki principles: “Just for today I am here”.  One of my popular Twitter themes is #JustForToday #Affirmations. Just for Today affirmations some people say should be every day. But, if you are trying to go from depression to joy, you will not make it in one step. It is baby steps. It is Just for TodayJust for Today messages are going out to get you back on track.

I received a note from a girl who said, “I can never thank you enough on how much those affirmations have meant to me”.  One of my affirmations showed up in her tweet stream during a time when she was contemplating suicide. That message showed up and resonated for her to say, “I am going to stay here. I am going to work with what I have and help people get through the same debilitating disease.” So, never underestimate the power of a tweet, a word, a smile.

These are all habits. Create a powerful impact in people’s lives. Give for the sake of giving.

More on Attracting Prosperity and Abundance in the Upcoming Week.

To create abundance & prosperity in 2015, START my Success Map program . . . a comprehensive and priceless program, a valued personal investment.  When you follow the 31-day program, the step-by-step process, you will add tremendous value to your life.  The program is a business and personal roadmap to a Winning Personal Plan for personal SUCCESS.

In the very near future the Success Map program will be offered for $365, but in an effort to assist as many people to create a massive shift in their lives, I am making it available for only $37. Now for a limited time only $9.95. 


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