How Will You Improve Business?
by smoothsale | Oct 8, 2021 | Business Development, Sales |

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Most everyone has the desire to improve business and career, but many do not know how to begin the process. Those in the beginning stage of their career will wholeheartedly welcome ideas. And those further down the road will do well to consider their approach for improvement. What may work for one will not work for another. Therefore, it is our job to sift through the unmanageable pile of ideas to find the few that may work best for each of us.
The challenge is to admit what is not working well and can use improvement. Consider researching the successful only to learn what they do and of their approach. Our styles vary and so it is best to consider what appeals to you most and create something entirely new.
A note of caution is to never compare the success of others to where your current status but recognize what others do better. Accordingly, the better method is to keep our eyes wide open for observation and open our minds to new ideas for careful consideration.
Long ago, I asked an advertising guru about his belief of why he was so successful. Years later, other advisors gave me the same suggestion. The two others deserving credit are the Dale Carnegie public speaking instruction at the beginning of my sales career. Long after, a marketing guru who taught me the better strategies to foster business using a collaborative approach on social media.
Build Professional Relationships
People want to know who you are and why they should trust you enough to do business. Be willing to share tough lessons learned and how you came out on top by applying the lessons to new endeavors. Our communications improve when we put empathy and respect into the conversations. Upon doing so, we encourage others to consider what we may have to offer.
In every meeting, share appropriate stories that will provide further insight into why you are in your career and how you differentiate yourself in the delivery of services. The same applies to developing conversational job interviews. The communication style builds trust, encourages consideration of your services, and influences getting to know you.
Building a trustworthy brand is the differentiator for moving along the road to success and fruitful collaborative adventures ahead.
Move from Competition to Collaboration
Remaining in touch with the people you admire has its benefits. As you both advance, new opportunities arise. Through the years, many wonderful media opportunities, speaking engagements, and introductions to new clients became mine due to the notion of collaboration.
Apply Today’s News to Tomorrow’s Work
Yesterday, was almost jaw-dropping experience at the market. A well-respected market chain was not only on short supply of items that I typically purchase, but they were out of stock, and some shelves sat empty.
Coincidentally, an article this morning thoroughly explained the issues many countries are having with the supply chain. It was an eye-opening moment and time to explore how it may affect us all. It is in times of disasters that new ideas to foster business come forth.
Almost nothing remains in vogue forever. Disasters of every type can point us to new directions and strategies for increasing business. Examples include driverless cars and new strategies to work with our environmental challenges.
Strive to improve daily.
Continue the Cycle
- When a person comes to mind, contact them to check-in.
- Whenever possible, share some laughter.
- The genuine goodwill brings a relaxing moment and will influence people to listen to your insights when it’s your turn to speak.
Embrace The Better Advice
It was shortly after graduating college that the genius advice initially came my way upon asking. When you are unsure or want to do more, ask people with experience for their advice.
Our job is to persevere to find a better match for business and personal advancement. Cling to what you believe will work well eternally for you. Be willing to let go of the things and people standing in your way. Some people watching you move forward with original ideas to foster business will become admirers and long-time friends as well as clientele.
For More Insights: Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page
“Communicate to Attract Interest”

Be A Story-Teller
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Your Story
As your imagination comes alive, capture those thoughts for serious consideration. Sometimes there is a gem of an idea that is worthy of further research. Should one idea repeat, it’s the right time to stop and determine the viability of turning it into reality.
On another level, consider what you believe is missing right now that can be beneficial for many. Review what you can do for one particular client to improve the service and then multiply the same many times over.
Accordingly, research non-profit organizations that may benefit from your expertise. Perhaps you are an excellent fit to be an Advisor, a member of the Board of Directors, or a committee member. When you find an organization that’s a good match for your interests and experience, they will appreciate your ideas to foster business. And by becoming involved by doing your best, opportunities will arise for you, too.
It’s never a singular one-way road; ‘what goes around, comes around.’ Collaborative work with the spirt of community works best as the possibilities multiply for everyone. The time spent within the community can become highly valuable and fruitful when everyone contributes their best.
Your bonus is in realizing new services or products you may develop to assist a larger audience. You now enter the point of no return for a continued path of ideas to foster business!
Sales Tips: How Will You Improve Business?
- Thank each person for their business, help, and meeting with you.
- Verify that all products or services sold meet or exceed expectations.
- Check after the fact to ensure satisfaction still exists.
- Upon following up, inquire if any new developments are in process.
- Offer to arrange a meeting for updates when the time is right.
- Apply the news of the day to possible new services and products.
- Rewrite your long-term vision to include something previously thought to be ‘impossible.’
- Consider how achieving the impossible will transform what you do today.
- Create a new plan for achieving what you envision while daydreaming.
- Celebrate Success!