We must regularly stop, look, and listen for possibilities for changing our habits. For example, striving to make everyone happy sometimes requires more time and effort than we can donate. The question pops up, Do you find over-commitment to be overwhelming?
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Sales Tips: Guilty of Over-committing
1. To do your best, consider time allotments and how you may contribute without jeopardizing your work.
2. Upfront, uncover why someone is requesting your participation to realize what you may bring to the table.
3. Ask numerous questions upfront to establish expectations of you.
4. Weigh the answers you receive to determine if your values, priorities, and work match yours.
5. Consider if an extra project will add visibility plus credibility to your brand.
6. In the background, contemplate how you may expand your line of products and services afterward.
7. Moving forward, ask to have private conversations with other participants to learn if further opportunities lie ahead.
8. Ensure those with whom you work have the spirit of collaboration.
9. Confirm whether expenditures are necessary to complete the project and whether it is within your budget.
10. Celebrate Success!
Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!