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Growth and Success Are Fueled by Your Brand

Photo by Geralt via Pixabay

Although we are excited about starting our business, it’s critical to realize the importance of developing a unique brand. Self-reflection becomes vital to acknowledging our identity. Strength becomes ours when we examine criticisms from all angles with a resolve to prove the naysayers wrong.

The line, ‘May the Force Be with You’ from Star Wars, comes to mind. 

Our habits, good and bad, may remain with us for a lifetime, making it wise to examine all to drop some. Similarly, our approach to business, a key to our brand's success, requires a thorough examination of all concerns voiced by others to confirm whether we are on the right track or need to make some adjustments.

A recent conversation in which someone criticized me for being too business-oriented had me almost laughing out loud! The person couldn’t comprehend that my style focuses on the greater good rather than simply empowering one.

Question, Clarify, Respond

When there is a disagreement, both sides should have an equal opportunity to express the reasons behind their actions. The sales profession taught me to work backward, particularly when an action is disputed. Accordingly, I stated the outcome was 100% satisfaction among those affected by my decision and gave the reasons why. She still demanded an apology, and I asked, ‘Why?’ – my all-time favorite question.

By asking ‘Why?’ we can uncover reasoning and clarify what’s on the mind of another. Combining details, whether to settle a disagreement or satisfy a prospective client, allows us to recognize the better and often more robust solution. The question is ideal for business growth.

Foreseeable Outcome

My near-death experience strengthened my resolve to see the bigger picture and strive to help communities at large. When something interferes with my concern for the well-being of others, I will not participate. The community resolve is my force, and it’s always with me due to my promise and agreement for a healthy recovery.

Integrity First

My words were not accepted. The issue is fundamental, and I will not compromise integrity to please another. One last time, I refused to apologize and walked away.


One essential lesson realized over time is to respond without anger but with curiosity to attempt to find a workable agreement. But if a solution is impossible, it’s best to walk away without anger and be willing to learn from the experience again.

Your Story

Review past experiences and the lessons that come to mind every year. Vow to incorporate the best and improve upon the worst to move forward, but never compromise integrity. The resolve to do better and test new possibilities builds the force within you to fly above the noisy chatter and distractions.

Keep your purpose, goals, priorities, and ultimate vision for how you want to build your life in mind. Consider the extra element of working on behalf of the greater good. Not caving but being consistent in your efforts, you will feel the force in you to experience a happy and fruitful life.

Last, one change can significantly change one’s mindset, leading to feeling satisfied and accomplishing more than one could ever imagine. And should you disagree, the only way to know for certain is to try it! You may be surprised by future results.

For more Insights, Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

Communicate to Attract Interest

Be A Story-Teller

“Believe, Become, Empower”

Related Blog Stories:

Sales Tips: Your Brand Focus Empowers Growth and Success

1.   Know the needs and desires of your audience, including your next new employer, in detail. 

2.   Before dismissing an idea, weigh it carefully to pinpoint how you may improve.

3.   Never dismiss a new idea until you test it.

4.   Never undersell your expertise or forego priorities.

5.   Commit to learning in every regard.

6.   Be professionally personal and ask questions to understand and potentially resolve issues.

7.   During a misunderstanding, inquire how the person sees the solution to realize if one is a reality.

8.   Match priorities and values with friends and clientele to ensure a steady path forward.

9.   Boost confidence by investing in classes and training to meet your desires and remain current.

10.                 Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!

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