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How Will You Succeed?

Photo by Nadim Merrikh via Unsplash

At the beginning of our careers, we all wonder how we will suceed.  And it may be years before we realize the meaning and significance of Shakespeare's famous line, ‘All the world is a stage, and each must perform his-her part.’ 

Our careers demand we discover the answer to the question, 'how will you succeed?'  However, it is essential to know that what and how we communicate are the differentiators for building relationships and trust; everything else, including sales, will follow. 

We can learn much from the actors we enjoy. And contestants, such as the ones that we see on American Idol, have much to teach us should we be willing to learn.  After a performance, it can be humiliating to stand on stage with many thousands watching, all the while hearing critiques. 

Those who listen will tweak their performance time and again, and do well. Most face early elimination. But those who improve their delivery on their own time will eventually become known artists. It is the effort that we each put in ahead of time that helps us perform to succeed.

Whether a partner in an orchestra, a supporting or main actor-actress, a rap star, a motivational speaker, or whoever else  performs their best for audiences to rave reviews, will have much to teach those with the desire to grow a robust business and clientele. 

Our success depends on delivering our best to our core audience, that craves the performance we give. The realization is that no one begins as a star performer. On a positive note, it takes years of practice and improvement for any of us to answer the question, ‘Do you perform to succeed?’

In the early days of any career or endeavor, I would repeatedly question myself and on occasion say, ‘it’s of no use.’ Thankfully, the options were often worse, so I continued performing my way.

Another differentiator for those who succeed is to move aside from feeling sorry for themselves to figure out the next steps. I have so many next tries on my list of attempts that a calculator is necessary to count them. And the best companion to figuring out what may work better is to ignore the negativity around us. However, we are to pay attention to the repetitive messaging that we intuitively hear and stop to consider.  Those messages are our inner guides to continue forward on a better footing.

Three Communication Tips to Help You Succeed:

  1. Observation is an excellent teacher.

Observation arrives on many levels from a sales perspective. It includes listening to words spoken, body language, tone emphasis, and how people react to what you say and do. And by researching, hearing, and asking questions regarding our competitors, we have much to learn to improve our attempts in our unique style.

     2. Collaborate and provide help.

Moving from keeping an eye on my competitors to collaboration was scary for me. But working all by myself, I was almost getting nowhere. Upon a leap of faith, I joined a new group of people I did not know and in professions that made many ask, ‘what on earth are you doing?’  

Being in the group gave me more reasons why diversity is so important on many levels. I learned how to communicate with an entirely different group of people. They taught me how I could better help them achieve business growth and sales. Incorporating those insights into my repertoire helped to increase my audience.

    3. Share Stories

Throughout my tenuous career, professionals before me taught that by sharing our stories, people get to know us better, which encourages trust. It is story-sharing that allows prospective clients to see our human side. Doing so is an authentic way we may perform to succeed.

They then begin to share their stories. The success piece is in finding commonality and sharing a good laugh. More sales tend to come our way when we share our stories, notably how we overcame obstacles.

I believe that our prospective clients admire the honesty in our effort to learn. More importantly, they see the real possibility that if we put in that much effort to succeed, most likely, we will do the same for them as their service provider.

Now Answer:  How Will You Succeed?

In your quiet time, review your history and the lessons you learned that guided you to improve your effort.  The bigger question is, are you willing to change, and are you ready to toss old habits to make room for the new? 

Styles and technology are forever changing, and your willingness to learn, adapt, and implement the latest are the differentiators for you to succeed.

Review the following:

  • Strategies and processes that are no longer work well.
  • Habits hindering your progress.
  • Allowing nay-sayers to impact your work.

Although you may have a yearly goal with daily and weekly goals attached, many people do not take the time to review where they are to date. The better approach is to habitually review and possibly revise weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual goals to potentially over-achieve your yearly plan. Once you find your rhythm, you will be on track to perform well.

Sales Tips:  How Will You Succeed?

  1. Keep your ultimate vision close to heart and mind every day.
  2. Believe that you will achieve your goals.
  3. Commit to daily learning.
  4. Seek out similar-minded people to collaboratively work together.
  5. Build a good reputation and solid brand.
  6. Help communities that can use your knowledge.
  7. Use social media to share your best insights and help others succeed.
  8. Grow a reputable brand and enjoy business growth.
  9.  Before every type of communication give thought to how you will succeed.
  10. Celebrate Success!

For More Insights:  Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

“Communicate to Attract Interest”

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Seller and Evergreen. HIRED! How To Use Sales Techniques To Sell Yourself On Interviews is a best-seller. Visit Elinor Stutz' Author Page on Amazon:

               Be A Story-Teller

Click This Link to See All Four Smooth Sale Courses and Workbooks:

  1.  Create the Smooth Sale (returning and referring)
  2.  Inspired Quotes for Business and Life
  3.  The Smooth Sale Get HIRED! Course and Workbook
  4.  The Smooth Sale Course for Entrepreneurs and Salespeople

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!

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