Effective selling takes place when we put the other person or people first. Their perspectives, desires and wishes are to be taken into consideration before we offer advice on how we may begin together. Collectively, the approach becomes our best learning platform. Relating to the idea is what does not convert to our expectations often becomes our best insights for advancements.
Improving any career requires we embrace the worst to learn the best for us to make advancements. Next is to expand upon the better outcomes ahead and ensure a synchronous process is in place. Grooming our audience and clientele brings about loyalty for ongoing business.
Now imagine, another world where we groom employee loyalty – what might be the best that can happen? Employers will do well to begin treating new-hire candidates as their prospective clientele. Upon hiring individuals, leadership can track the benefits of treating them as clients. Better yet, strive to earn employee loyalty for the long term.
The hiring process begins the employee journey. The typical thought of whether to remain for the long term or soon leave for a hopefully better position often quickly comes to mind for undesirable reasons. Job candidates desire the following:
- Offer of fair pay
- Feeling of belonging
- Team atmosphere to give and take new ideas
- Respect from management
- Career Advancement
Why would management make painstaking moves to improve employee loyalty? The bottom line is everyone’s concern. The benefits a company can gain are:
- Eliminate the ‘revolving door syndrome’ comprising hiring, training, re-hiring, and much wasted time plus monetary costs.
- Minimize disruptions among teams to maximize productivity.
- Train employees properly throughout their time at the company to build new leadership.
- The longevity of employees can contribute to the longevity of the company and more significant profit.
- Employee loyalty can evolve into free branding and marketing for management and the company.
The workplace is entering a new era with many considerations at hand. In Britain, they offer a 4-day workweek at the same pay grade allowing employees more personal time to regroup and recommit to their work in the office. And most countries are offering hybrid remote and office work for employees. It cuts down on travel expenses for employees and potentially office space for the company.
However, one crucial ingredient that needs reckoning is pay equality, no matter who takes the position. My recent example is that of being offered a high-level job utilizing my sales knowledge for the business development of a large company. It requires about two hours of traveling daily to meet with teams. The time and cost expenditures would be substantial. I responded by asking, ‘Is that a joke, or a typical offer for females?’ As you may guess, I never heard back. If they were to give some consideration to the question, they may be able to improve employee loyalty.
Given that we are undergoing a societal upgrade, today is the time to consider your outreach and how you may improve employee loyalty. #Diversity, #Equity, and #Inclusion are Vital to Improve Employee Loyalty!
“Communicate to Attract Interest”

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Whether in management or an employee, we are to strive to achieve loyalty and The Smooth Sale!