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The Battle Between Your Head and Heart... Who Wins?

In The Battle Between Your Head and Heart... Who Wins? 



Every second of every day you are listening to one or the other. By habit and years of practice we have learned to live in our head-thoughts. Now we are finding that listening to our Heart-thoughts is a much better place to be. Why? 
Since we live in a world of duality, of opposites, we find the Heart is the positive and the head is the negative. Think of each in this manner. 
HEART: CHEERLEADER (LOVE-based) - Thoughts that come from your heart will be peaceful, happy, inspiring, encouraging, giving you confidence, leading you in a better, more positive way, providing exceptional opportunities you would never expect. Your heart has unlimited knowledge and will guide you to possibilities and opportunities you never knew existed. 
HEAD: DEVIL'S ADVOCATE (FEAR-based) - Most thoughts that come from your head are those to caution you, to protect you, to save you from making mistakes. This means it will be pointing out the negative aspects. Your head thoughts are limited to what you have experienced and learned as you grew up. You may agree with me as I call your head a "Negative Chatterbox". It is cautioning you and replaying memories of hurts, worries, fears and insecurities, over and over, day and night. 
Here Is How It Works 
Your Heart will be encouraging you to find your true love and your head will be warning you if you do you will get hurt again, remember how horrible that was before? 
Your Heart will be telling you what a wonderful and special person you are and you can accomplish great things, while your head will be warning you of all the pitfalls and horrible things that could possibly happen if you try something new. 
Your Head Says you will never lose the weight, you don't have enough money to pay the bills, you will never find someone special to love you, on and on it goes. 
Your Heart Says there is someone who will love you just the way you are, no need to lose weight or make more money first. There is no need to change anything. 
Please Believe This! I was personally in that place mentally before I learned I was listening to the wrong information. I was thinking I needed to lose weight and thinking I needed to make more money before a quality man would love me. Then I learned how to follow my heart instead of my head. It was with the guidance of my heart that I was led into the loving arms of my perfect partner and loving husband. 

If you are ready to learn HOW to listen to your Heart 24/7 and stop getting pulled into your negative chatterbox head, invest in yourself and purchase a monthly membership to one of my online course Mastery Programs.  


There are 2 programs, for couples and singles. In both Mastery programs you will find the How to Be Heartled, 3-part series. In those online courses you will learn how to eliminate stress, worry, overwhelm, fears, insecurities, and all negative emotions to be peaceful and happy day and night!  


I look forward to guiding you to your perfect partner or help you deepen the love with the one you are with.  


Christine Marie White 

Your Guide to a Healthy and Lasting Love with Your Perfect Partner! ?? 



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