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3 Most Important Things Men Want to Know On a First Date

You have probably been bombarded with questions from some men when you first meet. The reason they are asking those questions is to get peace of mind in these three areas. If you quickly answer these questions for your date you are more likely he will want to see you again. Just remember while doing this; don’t try to impress him or be concerned with telling him all about you and what a great person you are. He doesn’t want to know all that right now. If he has asked you out already, or has approached you and you think he will ask you out, there are three basic things you need to clarify for him to keep him interested. Here are the three things most men want to know in order to make the decision to see you again. Ready?

1.   Are you a fun and interesting person to spend time with? He wants to know he will enjoy spending his time and money to be with you. You will prove to him that you are interesting if you ask him questions and talk about things you both enjoy doing. Answer his questions as quickly and simply as possible. Don’t talk a lot about yourself. Don’t tell him all about your family, your day, your past relationships, etc. Tell him as little as possible. Simply compliment him, make him laugh and he will want to keep seeing you in order to get to know more about you next time you get together.

2.   Are you really interested in him? Remember, this is about him, not you here. Again, why should he want to spend time or money on someone who isn’t really into him? I hate to say it but many women go out with men they don’t really like in order to get a free dinner or more. I call this defrauding; using someone to get what you want without any intent to give back. Unfortunately in today’s society both men and women are getting good at this. So if you are really interested in getting to know your date, let him know it. Be sure to give him lots of sincere compliments and spend most of your time together talking about him and the things you both enjoy. Then he will know you are sincerely interested in him.

3.   Will you be a good sex partner? Don’t let this shake you. Men were made sexual beings. It comes naturally. So when the conversation comes to the topic of sex, as it usually does, how you answer is very important. Do this right and you will easily tell if your date wants a serious relationship or if he just wants to play around. So how do you answer if you want to keep a quality man? Tell him this and he will respect you for it. “I absolutely love sex, at the right time, the right way, with the right man. Since we just met, I don’t know if you’re that right man yet.” You just challenged him, and men enjoy a good challenge. Once you tell this to a quality man, you will have appeased his sex question and he will want to prove to you that he is the right man. And he is agreeing to wait for the sex. A quality man will not mind the wait and will even get excited about proving himself to you. This is where chivalry returns! J He may still ask you, “When is the right time?” Tell him, “The right time is whenever I know you are the right one and I feel ready.” Don’t give him a timeline, or tell him you want to wait until after exclusivity, a commitment or marriage. Just tell him you will let him know when you are ready. Period.

These three questions came about after many years of interviewing single men. I have used this with new dating partners and it has worked very well for me. I hope it will also be a help to you.

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