Doesn’t that sound like something you would like to be? Would you like to be a PhenomeNow Woman? Me too – let’s go for it!
Are you a PhenomeNOW woman? We are talking about now – and N.O.W., the National Organization for Women, which is the largest and oldest women’s rights organization in the country. SInce 1966 NOW has been incredibly important in advocating for women to be free and “equal in dignity and rights.” It has 550 chapters in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. And I know I don’t have to tell you that their work is more important now than ever before!
That’s why I was SO honored to have as guest on my Little White Lie Live show Kim Sontag-Mulder, president of San Diego NOW and vice president of programs for California NOW. Her “day job” is founder of Method Works, a woman-owned social media management agency in San Diego.
Kim tells us that California has 14 chapters with over 19,000 members, and the San Diego chapter alone has 500 members. That’s a lot of woman (and men) power in California alone!
Here is what the NOW California website says, which captures it all:
Thought-provoking: We ask the tough questions of our Government. We spark relevant debates. We ignite passion.
Transformative: Progress in motion – We are committed to transforming our society with an unwavering commitment to our values.
Tenacious: Moving forward until intersectional gender equality is the norm and then will be here to make sure we don’t go back.
Awesome! Let’s see how Kim got inspired to get involved in NOW because of shaving her legs…

PhenomeNowKim: “My ‘why’ really is because I was buying razors, and I got so bent out of shape knowing that I had to buy razors because I shave my legs like some women. And I’m looking at the four-pack and it’s $29! Why are there men’s brands for only $6.99? And that is my why, because why are women charged quadruple for products that are the same as men’s, but oh, ours are pink and yellow, which are really pretty, as opposed to green and blue, which I don’t really care about when I’m shaving my legs?!”
Can you relate? Of course, it goes much deeper than that. It’s not just products, it’s services, like dry cleaning. Or it’s work, like getting paid 80 cents for every dollar a man makes for the same job (even more of a gap for women of color). It’s about dignity and equal rights.
Kim’s tip for our Little White Liars:
“I just try to walk my talk. It’s one of the things that I definitely live by. I strive to be authentic, I ask all women to be authentic, and to support each other. Hold each other up. Stop tearing us apart. We are our worst enemies, so once we all start joining arm-and-arm and stop talking about being arm-and-arm – actually do it – we will get to where we need to be.
“And if you’re looking for that niche of where you can go to feel included, to make a difference, with like-minded women (and some men), then join the National Organization for Women. We have been here for years. We’re well-established. We know what we’re doing.”
You can follow Kim Sontag-Mulder at:
Learn more about the PhenomeNOW women event (held in July 2018) and CA NOW right here:
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