Even though the technology progresses at the speed of light, many business owners do not exploit the powerful marketing tool carried around with them every day - the camera!
There are only a few people on the planet now who do not own a smart phone. So with that in mind, do you consider taking out that mini-computer when you do business and you want a client testimonial? Do you activate any integral apps on your mobile device to create a brief video to advertise your business? If not, why not?
Paying attention to a few variables like lighting, sound volume and centering your subject in the camera's frame allows you to create, upload and distribute some of the most potentially prolific marketing possible, all in the span of a few minutes!
To use a slang term from way way back in the 60s, It's where it's at! Not the best grammar, but it does resonate with the language of today as much as it did 50 years ago.
With my recent foray into this wonderful organization called Link to EXPERT, I have partnered in some ways with its founder, Joanne Weiland to help spread the word about its vast potential. Since I dwell so much on the use of video and other visual media, you would expect me to convey these broadcast messages using that platform.
Below is one of the several video announcements Joanne and I worked on to get the word (and pictures) out about this wonderful organization. It is a sample of what can be done with any business and just a smattering of creativity.
Your feedback is of course welcome and anticipated. If you would like to explore the virtues of doing something similar with your enterprise, contact me here in Link to EXPERT and lets make some word pictures that speak to your customers!