Lower head counts . . .increased workloads . .. equals more productivity….IMPOSSIBLE!!
What new tools is management giving you to be more efficient while reducing unneeded stress? None!!
20 business experts from different industries are offering FREE 45 minutes of free advice from January 21st to January 31st. Just go to http://resultscatalyst.ca/catapult.html to review the speakers’ topics and presentation times.
I will be interviewed on January 24th at 8pm Eastern . . . 5pm Pacific Time. The topic: The Art of Interpersonal Communication: Regain personal time used to make up for your unfinished work week. How to stop using week day evenings and weekends to “catch up” on work assignments.
Why wouldn’t you attend this free program? Because you enjoy being captive by work overload?
Tell your co-workers and friends. You will thank me by spending more time with family and friends.
Andy Gateriewictz