Listening to Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi helped me with Impostor Syndrome. - U Can 2
Why would someone ever listen to me? Have you ever heard those words in your head? I have. Why would someone listen to me?I mean seriously who am I? Friends saying who do you think you are? Co-workers in the past laughing about Jess "making it someday"It really can be a downer and hard to go on some days. You feel like a fake even though you can see some successes. Yet, are they enough? Not really where I should be!I mean look at Tony Robbins I could never do that.Then I hear Tony say things like don't compare yourself to others. Be better than you were yesterday. Strive for excellence. YOU CAN DO IT.Dean Graziosi talks about a movement of self-education and the power of helping others. A rising tide will help you rise even higher because you helped others.We have to choose the voices we listen to! The naysayers are just seeing from their lack of belief for them. It is not a limitation on you. Believe! Hard work, dedication, belief and working smart can propel you to the top.The things I learned from leaders like Tony & Dean are immeasurable. This exact training I am sharing here helped me grow and it can for you as well. Please register for the free training and impact your life, like it impacted mine.