10 Reasons Why You Are So Valuable?
- You are unique. There is
nobody else in the world like you. Just think about it. Billions of people and
not one like you. You may not think that is so fantastic but it really is. Your
knowledge, your love, your humor, your way of talking, thinking and acting is
uniquely yours. No-one else can do what you can do because no-one else has the
combinations of ingredients that you do. This makes you special and valuable!
Keep that in mind; being unique makes you special and
- You are an example to others.
All you say and do affects those you interact with every second of every day.
Children watch, listen and learn from you. Others who admire you want to be like
you, to emulate you. Keep being a good example.
- You are the essence of your Divine
Creator. You came into this world as pure love – and you still are pure
love. This is the basis of who you are. You may have been sidetracked by the
negative in this world, however, the true you is made up of true and pure
love. Keep reaching inside and bringing it out!
- You have an imagination. You
were given an imagination to think and to create. You create beliefs. Those
beliefs create your character and values. You have the power to keep your
beliefs healthy, happy and positive. Thinking loving, happy, positive thoughts
will create more positive ideals and beliefs; thus changing your life and others
lives for the better. Keep using your imagination for
- You are in this world to love.
You are here to show love, give love, to be love in this world. Take time every
day to feel the love within you and send it out to everyone, show it to everyone
you come in contact with. You will never run out, more is always there, because
that is what you are made of; pure love. Keep loving; everyone
- You’re here to pass on your wisdom
and knowledge. Everything you have learned in your life can be used to help
others. Keep passing on your wisdom.
- Your life affects everyone.
Everyone you come in contact with is touched by you in some way. When you are
happy you send that energy to others. They can feel it and it makes them feel
better. Your life has a ripple effect: It spreads to one and then another and
then another. Keep touching them with love, joy and
- You are here to show
compassion. You are here to learn about others, to understand and accept
them even though they are different from you. Keep learning and
- You are here to protect
others. Sometimes you are compelled to step in and help someone else who is
being hurt, hurting or suffering in some way. Keep stepping in to keep others
from harm.
- You are here to say, I’m
sorry and to forgive. When you say you are sorry and forgive you are set
free and often the other person is as well. Keep living in freedom and setting
others free.
You are a very unique, special and
valuable person in this world. You have a special personality, character, skills
and talents that make you valuable. Never forget
This is a blog written by Christina
Courting, author, speaker, courtship and dating expert. You are welcome to copy,
reprint or forward this to others as long as you include the author information.