Vehicle for Veterans
Melinda served in the army from 1983 -1992 in Germany and Korea feeding her fellow service members. After the military she became homeless but her relentless work ethic and spirit persevered. She obtained housing through the VA HUD/VASH program and has been stable in her own apartment for over a year. Melinda is working full time as a patient caregiver, often taking overnight shifts whenever offered to further help maintain her independence and financial stability. Getting to work is a daily struggle but she persists rain or shine taking 4 buses and riding many hours a day.
Melinda has been patiently waiting for her "New to Her" wheels since Feb but it should not be much longer since we have matched her with a vehicle and a Build-A-Car sponsor. Wheels will be placing her in a donated low mileage 2001 Acura CL once the repairs have been completed thanks to a grant from: DAV Charitable Service Trust