Over the years I have trained and mentored many upstart business owners and people looking to gain an edge with their life.
Three times this week alone I used a term heard along time a long .
It is applicable for virtually everyone no matter if you are on a career path, own your own business with employees or starting your own new venture. USE YOUR NEWNESS.
Many seasoned veterans want to help people who see someone honestly and with integrity want to improve themselves and their career. Many have kids the same age as yours.
The experts in any field are more than happy to assist you with your development.
Most people want to present them as the expert and most of your customers probably have forgotten more than you probably know.
A simple " I am new to this and would appreciate any guidance you can offer" will probably open more doors for you than pretending you have all the answers.
The customer who has refused to give you the time of day, and certainly the order will melt before you, and from my experience give more of themselves in an effort to share the knowledge they have accumulated over the years.
My biggest and most profitable clients started out as my early mentors. You will be granted the opportunity to then show how your services will enhance their business or relationships.
I even used the phrase to a tough old dealer who only sold one of his contemporaries. " Some day he will no longer be here. "Help me become the broker you would want to see succeed, you will have a hand in both of our successes." He became my largest and most valuable supplier. When he turned the business over to his son. I helped him by being his mentor. It was a 10 year successful relationship. All because I used my newness.
With the millennials entering the work force, they have technical skills many senior people do not but the senior people have the experience to propel your goals.
You must be sincere and ask with integrity. The rest will follow. If nothing else the experience you gain will help in ways you may never imagined.
Use your newness. It will work !
Ron Laker