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National Happiness Poll - Are You Part of the Conversation?

Are you Happy?

Want to SHARE your sentiments on the secrets to that seemingly elusive condition?

I'm passionate about Happiness and have been since my youth. 

While others may have set their sights on being popular, beautiful, rich or enigmatic, I've kept my eye on the Happiness ball.

Probably an unusual goal to have when growing up, it became even more important to me as I navigated into adulthood.  Decisions that others would make for external or social reasons would often be declined by me as I weighed the consequences against my quest for personal Happiness. Was I alone? I never knew.

A few years ago, I started to share my thoughts through a series of YouTube videos under the moniker Maura4u. With nearly 200 different backdrops and symbols, I put out my own thoughts about happiness and invited to viewers to explore how similar ideas could be interpreted in a variety of personal ways. In essence, the question was always the same: What's your idea on this when it comes to personal happiness?

Later, along with friends, I pioneered and co-hosted a weekly AM radio show called The State of Happiness. We interviewed guests from a variety of backgrounds and pursuits who were defining and exploring their own worlds of happiness.

Just recently, I published the first 6 installments of The Art of Happiness ebook series on Amazon exploring the commonalities of human experience (like Competition, Judgment and Comfort Zones). In The Art of Happiness, I invite readers to revisit defining moments in their life through a kinder, brighter set of eyes.

But it wasn't enough. Who crowned me the Queen of Happiness and Expert Extraordinaire on the topic? I wanted the opinions of others.

So I launched a National Happiness Poll. Originally designed to learn how American born women age 40 and above defined personal happiness, it quickly grew. 

Women were happy to speak on the subject, but those who weren't born in the USA or fell under the age of 40 wanted in. And I wanted them in, too. Who says happiness begins at 40? While men have yet to protest the gender gap in my study, I'm sure they'll eventually get their voices heard . . . and I'll want to hear from them as well!

In the meantime, I'm enjoying the continual flow of commentary from women young and old. Married, divorced and single. The under matriculated and the highly educated.  They're moms and grandmoms. Recent grads looking for their first meaningful job and retired college professors creating fun, new careers. 

For me, polling other women on their definition of happiness is pure, unadulterated joy. I've been connecting with women one-on-one and through intimate emails and hearing voices chiming from New York to California, Minneapolis to Miami and even from Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

I'll be framing and sharing some of my favorite quotes from the National Happiness Poll. If you'd like to share your sentiments on the subject and brighten the world with your personal light, email me at and ask for a survey.

Maybe you'll be "framed" for posterity, too!

Maura is an International Speaker on Self Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

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