A good friend sent me this insightful message this week: To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did!
So I asked myself :what do I want that I am willing to do something I never did before?
I want to faciliate a way for the people that want something they never had before to be able to do something they never did before with ease.
Overall people want something they never had before but most are more content doing what they always did than trying something new.
Some people try something new but as soon as the person that is working with them or helping them quits they blame that person that quit for not following through with their new idea or invention. That is why you hear so many people say I thought of that service or product. Unfortunately they didn't have the self confidence to implement their idea and someone else did.
There are only a few that actually have the curiousity, courage, confidence and persistence to enjoy the manifestation of their dreams, ideas and invetions.
One of my ideas is to help those few implement their ideas with ease. We are in the final stages of creating eServices so you can learn about the services our Experts offer and how they will benefit you and you get started implementing your ideas in minutes.
What will you do today to REACH for something you want?
Together we Create, Collaborate & Celebrate!